Points of Interest is an ongoing series of web discoveries by Guild members.
Allan Cusworth found these great resources:
“Here are a few web site referrals that I can recommend. I have gleaned a lot of help from all of these sites.
This is one of my favourite web sites. There are articles on just about every type of woodturning style, or project.
I refer to this site very frequently. http://www.woodturningonline.com/Turning/Turning_articles.php
The Woodturner’s Workshop (U.K.)
This is a great site for beginners. It’s British but the principles are the same. You just have to get past some of the language differences.
Here’s another that has a lot of techniques and ideas. Check out the “Hints & Tips” button, and you’ll see what I mean.
Here is a “forum type” web site that a lot of the world class turners use. Check out the “Articles” section and scroll down for some excellent information.
Best Regards
Allan Cusworth
Woodturner in Langley, BC”