Events: WoodTurners Retreat Symposium – Dec 12th






The next level of LIVE interactive woodturning demonstrations and education. Professional woodturners from the UK, USA and Canada are lined up for a whole days of Live demonstrations.

THE EVENT: December 12, 2020.

Starting time 5pm GMT / 11am Central / 9am Pacific

Cost: $20.-

Join us for 8 hours of woodturning, embellishing, texture, technique and fun. Live demonstrations from:

Kade Bolger, Canada
Stewart Furini, UK
Jeff Hornung, US
Chris Parker, UK
Tod Raines, US
Joanne Sauvageau, Canada

Each demonstrator will do 2 LIVE demonstrations. This will be a Zoom format using Breakout Rooms so you can pick what demos you wish to see. There will be demos for all levels from beginner to advanced, functional to fancy and everything in between!

For more info on the event, click HERE