May 12th Guild Meeting at Robert Bateman Secondary
6:30 Members Instant Gallery
7:00 AGM:
Presentations of:
1. John Beese Award for Master Craftsman and long standing member,
2. Henry Goosen Award for Guild Contribution and
3. President’s Challenge Award (this is a new one)
Election of Executive after the Presentations. Some key vacancies still exist. Please consider stepping forward and volunteering on the executive.
7:20 Feature: Design in Woodturning with Bruce Campbell.
“We often hear about “design”, “1/3-2/3”, “The Golden Mean”, “Fibonacci”, and more. But what does all this mean to us as woodturners. This talk will look at these concepts along with colour, texture, finish and so on as it applies to our work.” – Bruce
If you are wanting to know the secrets of how to enhance the shape of your turnings this is for you. If you think your forms are great, come anyways as there are always new things to consider. If I know Bruce, he has put considerable thought into this.
8:30 Coffee, Tea and Snacks at the break. Goodies: members with last names beginning with A to F
8:45 Presidents Challenge – the “One Block Challenge” POSTPONED Until next month
Make something/anything from a single block of wood and bring it to the meeting for all to see. Only these rules apply:
1. The Block of wood may be 2″ thick by 4″ wide by 6″ long
2. Any fastenings used must either brass or copper for extra marks if these be made from the original block of wood
9:00 Members Gallery: Bring something you are working on or something that you want comment on form design. The last group will be set aside for Bruce to comment on if he chooses to.
9:15 Wood or Tool Raffle donations: Bring wood blanks or a roughed out bowl blank if your last name starts with K,L,M,N,O. Lets bring something you would use yourself.