Project: Wig Stand – November 2024
The AAW WIT has encouraged WIT groups to join in a national project to turn wig stands, at no expense for the recipients. The goal is to give back to our communities in this worthwhile effort, especially since cancer has likely impacted each of us, our family, and/or our friends.
Here at FVWG, we are partnering with “Because We Care”, an oncology store in Cloverdale, and “Wigs for Kids” at BC Children’s Hospital to provide these stands to recipients in need. Some entire AAW clubs have already been doing this project for some time and we are following in their knowledgeable footsteps.
This November 2024, our Presidents Challenge is to create one or more wig stands to donate to our partners. Stay tuned to this page, or our social media channels to see photos of our members contributions.