Aldergrove student woodshop in need

My name is Darcy Mckay, and I am a new member of the guild, as well as a new teacher at a small private school in Aldergrove, and I am teaching wood shop.  The school tried to run a woodshop program 6 years ago, but finances fell through and they had to cut the program after only 1 month in to the year.  Since then the school has given me the privilege of using the shop for the last 5 years rent free and in return, I have been trying to repair and update the small shop that they have, but it has been a slow battle with no budget to work with.  I have donated many hours and tools to the school in an attempt to get a high quality woodshop, but it is far from there yet.
This year, the school is restarting the woodshop program and has asked me to teach the shop program again.  The school has a very small budget, and I am looking for a few items to add to the meager list of tools that our shop has.  I am hoping that the members of the guild or anybody with a desire to enable kids to learn woodworking and is reading this will, be able to help out my school by either donating, or selling some tools at a very low cost.  I am looking for mainly hand tools, but could use a couple power tools as well.  We have a lot of hand saws, but they are dull, we also have chisels (regular flat) and a few turning chisels, but not many.  Below is a list of items that I would like to acquire.
Hand tools we are in need of are;
    Coping saws,
    Bit and brace sets (I have a few braces, but only 1 or 2 bits.  I would love a full set of bits, or even a couple sets)
    Combination squares
    Marking guages
    Any kind of backsaws, Dovetail, Carcase, and Tenon saws.
    Japanese saws
    Hand planes – Block, Jack, Fore, Jointer and Router planes
    I have almost enough smoothing planes, but my main desire is for a few good jack planes and especially a couple router planes.
    Cabinet scrapers,
    Card scrapers
    Spoke shaves
    Old plane irons and chisels for sharpening practice.
    Wooden mallets.
    Lathe chisels.
Power tools we need are,
    A good 14″+ bandsaw,
    Dual bevel sliding compound miter saw,
    Disk/belt sander
    Dust collector cyclone
    A good safe lathe.  (variable speed motor would be ideal, but I will not turn down a lathe in good condition if it is a safe machine. IE, no belts or moving parts exposed)
These power tools must be in good safe working order with no safeguards removed or damaged.
I only have 8 students at this point, so I don’t need huge amounts of any one item. It is my desire to teach them hand tool techniques as I feel it is becoming a lost art to their generation.
As I mentioned, I have a very limited budget and am just starting my class, so I don’t know what I will need to spend for materials at this point. This being said, I can not spend anything significant till my year is over and the kids projects are completed.  We are a non profit organization, so receipts are possible, but I have been told that while it is easy to give tax receipts for cash, it is a difficult process to give receipts for donated items.  Please don’t let this deter you from donating as I did say difficult, but I did not say impossible.
Thank you for your interest and consideration
Darcy Mckay
Woodshop teacher at Fraser Valley Adventist Academy in Aldergrove.
For more info or to contact me, please.
 Email Darcy Mckay at,
Text or call my cell at 604-308-6978
Or leave a message at my home at 604-853-5520