Wood: Maple and Cedar


I recently had to take down a big leaf maple and a cedar on my property. Feel bad just chopping it up for firewood, and I have a bunch already anyways. Was wondering if you know of anyone who could make better use of the wood?

Right now I have (Dimensions listed are the diameter at each end x the length)

20-18″ x 21′
32-21” x 20’
As well as some a number pieces in the 16-20” diameter range that I’ve already bucked into 12-14” long pieces.

20-12” x 21’
18-24” x 16’

I have some cypress or fir too of similar size, but doubt anyone would be interested in that.

I can buck / cut it up into chunks to some extent if people wanted for wood turning, or would be happy if there was someone who wanted to take it whole, or am open to having someone come and mill it on site.

I’m located in Maple Ridge. Would like to get a few $$ for it, open to offers.

Evan Crawford

Call 604-833-1116 or contact evan.c.crawford@gmail.com