FVWG General Meeting – May 2018

May 10th Guild Meeting at Robert Bateman Secondary – as usual on the second Thursday of the month –

6:30 Arrival, Setup, ”Chips Happen“ and Members Gallery viewing. And get advice in the “Problem Corner”

7:00 Meeting News, announcements, welcoming new and returning members.

7:10 FVWG AGM. Nominations and Elections for guild executive positions (President, Secretary and 2 members at large) and other volunteer positions. The guild needs you! Please consider getting involved in an organizing area you are interested in. Speak to any of the current executive for more details. Some positions have incumbents interested in continuing on, but some positions are open each year.

7:20 Hands-On: Try turning a Bottle Stopper! Remember to bring a few bucks to cover the cost of your choice of hardware and blank being provided. Stopper hardware is $10 for Stainless, $5 for chrome and $2 for silicone.


Also get in practice for the Egg Cup Races. It should be a great evening!

For the egg cup “race” there are two categories to enter”

1. Best Lookin’ no rush but others need a turn too; and judged by a show of hands.
2. Fastest Time Time starts when the lathe is turned on and stops when the egg cup is parted off. It must meet two criteria to qualify. a) stem must be a maximum 1/2″ dia and b) a ping pong ball must be inserted to its “equator” or deeper

Let the games begin!

This video is presented by  on As Wood Turns.com

8:45 Juice, Tea and Snacks at the break. And buy wood raffle tickets. Goodies supplied this month by Gary Burns, Gary Cormier, Allan Cusworth, Tom Darby, Dewey Devries, and Sherry Dunn

John Gresham will have some DVD’s for rental from the club Library.

And the ”Problem Corner” Advice from the veterans. Bring something you are working on or something you want comment on form & design. Bring in problem pieces, unknown species, wood pieces that you don’t know what to do with.

9:10 Presidents Challenge this month is an Exotic Candle holder.

9:20 Members Gallery: Commentary. Bring completed work you want to show, tell how, take questions, and discuss.

9:30 Wood or Tool Raffle donations: Bring wood blanks or a roughed out bowl blank. Bring something you would use yourself. This month Ron Kredba, Randy Kyle, Jake Le Blanc, Bob Leech, Ted Lightfoot and Jay Mapson will each be bringing some good wood or other turning items (eg Sandpaper, Finish, Tools)!