Turning and Fitting a Tool Handle

Turning and Fitting a Tool Handle

Acquiring a great new tool is something we all enjoy and having too many tools is almost unimaginable! 😊 Maybe even better is making a new tool just the way you like. 

A few have metal working skills but as turners we all have the knowledge to woodwork in the round.

Making ourselves a custom turned handle is a useful, cost saving and rewarding project. Below are a number of YouTube videos chaulk full of techniques and ideas to turn, fit and embellish a handle for your new or refurbished tool. Be sure to check them all out to get a good handle on this topic! 😉

The WoodWhisperer starts off with a short look at the basics.

Then Paul Sellers continues with the details on the basics.

These next two videos are from the WyomingWoodturner. Sam Angelo shows some of his hand crafted handles and starts on the drilling of a new handle in this first one.

Then Sam finishes drilling, shapes, fits the ferrule and finishes his new handle.

Here is another handle making video by Wortheffort on YouTube. He incorporates a few interesting twists.

Finally, here are a couple from renown turner Jimmy Clewes. In this first video he turns a Handle from Ash…

… and in this second one, Jimmy scorches and embellishes his handle. All products used are listed at the end.


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