Darts Hill 2019: Notes From Gary B and Ron K

A Note From Gary Burns:

“We had an excellent day at Darts Hill.
Thanks to Bev for organizing everyone to show up and have enough certified members to let everyone have time on a lathe and give everyone time to talk with people visiting the gardens. Live music, sunshine, free food, very interested visitors, some buying, and great staff helping where ever needed!
A big thanks to all who showed up, have a picture of everyone!
Hopefully our members can see how much fun these events are and join in when they happen.”


A Note From Ron Kredba:

A quick note to thank Keith & Gary for all their time and effort hauling all the equipment, unpacking it, their encouragement at the demo, clean up, again repacking stuff up and taking it away. You guys are a class act and appreciated. You are a great credit to our Guild. I didn’t turn much being it was my first kick at the cat since my Certification. I look forward to assisting in my small capacity down the road. Next time I plan on bringing to 4″ x 4″ x 24″ to raise lathe up to my turning height. To make it easier on my back.

Ron Kredba