Field Trip to Vernon Leibrant in Everton, WA

Road trip to see Vernon Leibrant, Master Woodturner, in Everson WA.

Murray Sluys has arranged a visit to see Vernon Leibrant in Everson, Washington, and details are below. This trip is limited to 15 members. This has been a great trip in the past and there will have a sign-up sheet at Thursdays Guild meeting if you are interested. I am sure we could arrange a couple of car pools.

This is a video Murray made in 2011 after a visit to Vernon’s shop.


Vernon produces about 200 monster bowls a year and then goes on a Craft Sale road trip to the east coast for the summer with his wife to sell them. He uses machinery and methods of turning that no conventional turner uses. They were all invented by him.

Registration is limited to first 15 people. That’s what he has room for.

Contact Murray Sluys 604-791-2436, and advise if you are forming a car pool or not.

Date: Saturday January 25, 10 am on site.
Location: 3807 Cabrant Rd, Everson WA (this is about 15 minutes from Sumas WA. )
Don’t forget your passport to cross the border. Check the expiry date as well. It’s best to get a lunch in Everson after the session as the food rules for the border change.
Carpool can be organised if convenient but its really not that far.
Cost: we usually give a donation of about, say $5 CAD per person.

– Murray