Coloured Bowls by Michael Hamilton-Clark

Coloured Bowls by Michael Hamilton-Clark

As some of you may know from items I have brought in for the Instant Gallery, I like to use colours, particularly shades of blue and red, using aniline dyes in powder form mixed with water.

Several members have remarked their experience was that aniline dyes tend to fade and recently Murray Sluys was kind enough to give me sample quantities of three Jacquard Procion MX dyes which he advised were colour-fast. These are come in powder form and can be mixed with water and / or alcohol. I tried them with alcohol as it was indicated this did not raise the grain as much as with water. On my figured Maple sample pieces sanded with 200 grit the results were vibrant colours and hardly any fuzz which was easily removed with quick go-over with 000-grade steel wool leaving a surface just right for a wipe-on poly finish. The attached photo shows the results of my recent lock-down work using some of the colours in the Procion MX range. A little goes a long way and 2/3oz. bottles can be obtained from Opus Art Supplies for $7.80 + tax.